06/17/15 Greenwood, AR – Domestic Call – Woman Crashed Her Own Car In Handcuffs – Steals Patrol Car And Crashes Patrol Car Into A Gas Well – Rolls It And Causes $50,000 Damage

June 17, 2015


A woman is being held in the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center after stealing and wrecking the Greenwood Police car she was being held in during an investigation, according to the Greenwood Police Department.

Jessica Sterling of Greenwood, Arkansas was arrested after crashing her car through a fence while fleeing from a reported disturbance.

While police investigated the crashed car, police say Sterling tried to kick through one of the police car’s windows. An officer opened the door when Sterling headbutted the officer. Police placed Sterling into leg irons and a hobble.

According to police, when police returned to their investigation, Sterling escaped the hobble, moved her handcuffed hands to her front, opened the sliding glass separating the front and back seats, crawled to the front seat and drove away in the police car.

According to police, after a four-mile chase, Sterling hit a gas main, flipping the police car. Police say they found Sterling attempting to remove the service rifle from the gun lock in the car.

Police say they tased Sterling and pulled her from the wreckage.

According to the police report, Jenny Lind Fire responded to the gas main which was leaking gas. EMS also cleared Sterling of any injuries. Police say damages total more than $50,000.

According to police, Sterling was charged with the following:

Theft of Property, Escape in the 3rd Degree, Battery-2nd Degree, Domestic Battery (3rd Degree Second Offense), Fleeing Apprehension-with injury, Fleeing by Means of a Vehicle, DWI-1st offense, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Mischief 1st Degree, Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree, Leave the Scene of Accident with Property Damage, Reckless Driving, DWI-2nd Offense, No Seatbelt, and Reckless Driving.

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