03/14/16 Indian Point, MO – K9 SUV Stolen And Found By Missouri Highway Patrol – Troopers Recovered The Abandoned Patrol Car With The K9


A Missouri State Highway Patrol dispatcher says law enforcement officers found a stolen Indian Point Police Department vehicle that was taken during a traffic stop late Monday morning. Officers also found the police dog that was in the back seat of the white Dodge Durango.

The theft was in Stone County; the Village of Indian Point is south of Silver Dollar City. Officers thought the thief may have headed east towards Branson and Taney County. The Taney County sheriff provided information to a reporter about the stolen vehicle.

The Highway Patrol dispatcher didn’t have any more information about the recovery of the vehicle and police dog. Messages left at the Stone County Sheriff’s Department have not been returned, and no one has answered the phone at Indian Point City Hall all day.

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